Eoin O'Brien


Historical data set of Luas Real Time Information

The rear of Luas that is traveling to Tallaght
Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash

I have a dataset of real time information for the Luas since January 19th, 2020. Uncompressed it's about 10GB in size, but you can download a ~500MB zip of it from OneDrive.

File Content

Column Contents Notes
DateTime The datetime of the request.
Line Can be Green or Red
Origin The origin station of the request.
Direction Can be Inbound or Outbound
Destination The destination of the tram
Due in Placeholder string that keeps things readable
Minutes The forecast number of minutes until the tram arrives at Origin. If the API returns DUE, this will return 0
Status Message The status message returned with the API response.

01/19/2020 22:50:02	Red	TPT	Outbound to	TAL	Due in	9	Red Line services operating normally
01/19/2020 22:50:02	Red	TPT	Outbound to	SAG	Due in	14	Red Line services operating normally
01/19/2020 22:49:59	Red	SDK	Inbound to	TPT	Due in	11	Red Line services operating normally
01/19/2020 22:49:59	Red	SDK	Inbound to	TPT	Due in	16	Red Line services operating normally
01/19/2020 22:49:59	Red	SDK	Outbound to	TAL	Due in	10	Red Line services operating normally
01/19/2020 22:49:59	Red	SDK	Outbound to	SAG	Due in	15	Red Line services operating normally
01/19/2020 22:50:02	Red	MYS	Inbound to	TPT	Due in	9	Red Line services operating normally
01/19/2020 22:50:02	Red	MYS	Inbound to	TPT	Due in	15	Red Line services operating normally
01/19/2020 22:50:02	Red	MYS	Outbound to	TAL	Due in	0	Red Line services operating normally
01/19/2020 22:50:02	Red	MYS	Outbound to	TAL	Due in	12	Red Line services operating normally
Content from the TSV


I do not know. I was working on a dotnet Luas API at the time at this was something easy to do. I figured, by the time I got to it I might have a use case for it, maybe some sort of forecast planning.

How does it work?

On my server I run a cron job every two minutes, that runs a simple application that hits every stations endpoint, and appends the results to a never ending TSV. Every so often I manually download that TSV to store it locally.

Do you have the code?

Unfortunately, I seem to have misplace the code. I do have the compiled dotnet code on the server, but I have not got the source code.

Do you have a license for this data?

While I haven't attached a license to this code, you are more than welcome to use this data as you see fit.
If you do use it, I would love to know what you do with it (let me know on Twitter).
If you need a more proper license please let me know and I can research it a bit more.
